Saturday, October 30, 2010
BEEN a long time...long time lonely lonely lonely
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Society and its prejudices
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Love the all mighty and The Shithead
Monday, June 21, 2010
Second Half of the first chapter
Again subject to change later. Hope you guys are enjoying this. Let me know.
We walked several miles along the dirt roads which were dotted with trees that were imposing compared to us. As we walked there was a small trail of blood that was on the floor. Ewryn placed his hand in front of Ian and I. He sniffed the air as if he were an animal. “This blood is of human kind, somebody is injured” he said. Then, as if by chance we heard someone panting, a woman, it was coming behind one of the trees. All three of us ran to the sound and found a woman who looked to be pregnant; she had short brown hair that was up to her neck. She was sitting there, panting and breathing heavily. My brother was the first to speak. “Woman are you pregnant?” he said in a harsh tone. She nodded her head. “Yes…” her speech was interrupted by labored breathing. I quickly placed my hand on her shoulder. “Do you have a husband? Is he near?Do you have a son or daughter?” I said. She shook her head again. “Yes…but…. they…. died when those…” I looked up at Ian and Ewryn. “This woman is about to give birth, I know our most important thing right now is to protect the village, but I cannot allow her to give birth by herself, it wouldn’t sit right on me” I said. Ewryn groaned for a moment then spoke.
“I shall stay here and help her give birth, my mother was a midwife for my people, and I know the ways. You two shall travel to the next village; I trust that even without proper training you can move the swords that are at your waist.” He spoke very rapidly. I looked at my brother and he looked at me, “Okay, the woman will be safer in your stead anyway.” Ian said.
Without saying anything Ian and I walked away until we reached a small marsh which lead to the village. There was a large rock, we stood behind until either one of us could spot any movements. There was none. Slowly we stood up and walked toward one of the huts. “Has this village been driven out?”My brother said, “I don’t know Ian, but the silence irks me” I said.
We approached a home, my brother knocked furiously on the door. But nobody answered. He put a finger up against his mouth and pushed the door open. The smell of death reached my nose and I gagged. I looked and saw an old couple whose bodies were intertwined on top of each other, naked, making the beast with two backs. I turned my head and heaved which lead to me violently throw up on my brother’s boots. “This death was not due to those beasts that attacked us so callously, this was natural,” my brother said as if the bodies didn’t affect him at all.
As we left the home several of the villagers greeted us with faces of disgust. “You.... Get away from the elders home, you have no right to be there” one of them said. He was bulky in width, though rather short in height. “What is your business here?” he said. His voice was booming and as he spoke his large belly rumbled. I was much too afraid to speak, but my brother on the other hand was not.
“We are from the village of Kiya we have come here to look for survivors. Our village was attacked by the Dark Fathers .I assume you too have been impacted by those forces. Please join us; we could use your numbers for the defense.” My brother waited for their reply, the unmade bulky man turned to the others standing behind him. They whispered. Their whispering was interrupted by the sounds of hooves beating coming from the southernmost hill line. “They are coming back; need to find shelter. There is no way we can defeat them. Our skills are much too weak” the bulky man said. But before anything could be done the hoofs were close to the village. I looked at them. It wasn’t the Dark Fathers, but men wearing large horned helmets. “Who are they?” I asked. “They have come to rob the graves. They are powerful but weak minded men, let me handle this” the bulky man said. “Have you dealt with these men before, friend?” I asked. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows, “Of course, they come to our village to rob the graves, and they do not wish to kill or rape anybody”
But before I could have said anything they stopped and their horses whinnied as they stopped right in front of us. “Foolish villagers, why don’t you run in fear from us, aren’t your precious little children in danger” a man said. He seemed to be their leader. On his horned helmet there was an eye engulfed by flames at the front. Two ivory bull like horns stuck out the sides. He got off his horse and the other men did as well. They pulled out their swords, giving us eyes, then stopping. “You know the deal, don’t you?” he looked over at the bulky man twisting his wrist. He seemed to be a bit feminine for a man who was a warrior. He walked with a sort of twist to his body, and the fur coat he was wearing was lined with crystals and gems alike. He looked at me then at my brother and smiled revealing a set of amazingly white teeth. The two at the front curved always joining one another.
“Yes Enchor, take what you will from the new graves” the bulky man said. “Wait, why do you allow these men to rob you, have you no pride in the dead?” my brother said loudly. The man known to us now as Enchor looked at my brother and pushed him. He pushed him back. Enchor from his waist pulled out a jewel incrusted sword. My brother bravely pulled out his sword, a bulky broadsword.
“Do you know what you have done here, villager?” Enchor said. He pulled off his fur coat and handed it to one of the men who draped it over the hind of his horse.
“You are the grave robbers? You were going to go to the town of Kiya next?” my brother asked. He usually didn’t hold his temper in that well. Enchor now was swinging his sword back and forth as a proposition to fight.
“Have you the notion you will win this fight villager?” Enchor said. My brother smiled and raised his sword up in the air as if he knew exactly what he was doing. My heart began to race as the sound of steel against steel rang out. First my brother swung the sword clumsily and landed him in a pile of pig shit. The grave robbers began to laugh hysterically as he got back up. At that moment Enchor swung his sword nicking my brother on the arm causing a stream of blood to go down my brother’s arm and pool in his palm.
My brother may have been in very few sword fights if at all, but he wasn’t a weakling and he could handle any pain that obstructed him. This time instead of swinging the sword he jabbed it in the warrior’s direction. With a bit of ease the warrior dodged the sword. Then to show his skills off the warrior did a flip, jumped in the air and in one quick motion swung his jewel encrusted sword and chopped my brother’s hand off. My brother, at first, just stood there staring at the stump on his hand watching the dark blood flow out of it. Then it all settled in he started crying out in pain, I ran to him and tore off my shirt. I could feel the cold wind go down my back but it did not matter as long as I treated his wound. He looked at me as I held him in my arms dropping him slowly to the ground; the blood began to stain my shirt. “Do any of you know medical treatment!” I shouted. Tears started to roll down my face, but the other villagers just stood there silently watching, without saying anything. Either they were scared or they didn’t want to do anything. So I turned to Enchor. “You stupid fool, look what you did to my brother!” I shouted. He looked at me; his mean and arrogant smile became a grim frown, he placed his hand upon my shoulder at which time I removed it. “I know this may be hard for you to believe but I did not mean for this to happen. We graves robbers have honor, we do not kill the innocent, we only rob from them. I offer you my aide; here in our possession a potion we stole from a town about 200 miles from here. It is able to cure wounds. I was going to use it on my most injured men, but I see that your brother needs it more then I” Enchor walked over to the bag that had been draped around his horse and removed a small potion bottle that had a brass yellow color liquid in it. He handed it to me. I took it reluctantly and popped the brown cork on top of it. I smelled it, it smelled of a mixture of garlic and rosewater. “Why should I trust you?” I said with sternness in my voice.
“You shouldn’t, I do understand if you don’t villager” he gave a weak smile and paused for a moment then returned to his bag. He pulled out 3 small daggers. Though they were made of different shades of color; one a golden color, the other a silver color and the third a copper color. Each one had something in common, a flaming eye on the handle, exactly like the one that had been on his helmet.
“Take these daggers, they have been in my father’s family for centuries. If this aliment does not cure your brother, then you can keep those and sell them. But if it does cure your brother, then you shall return two of them, the third one shall be yours to keep.”
My brother lay still, I grabbed him and let him drink the aliment. He choked on it as it went down his throat. “Brother, how do you feel?” I said. He looked at me then at the stump on his hand.
“The pain, it is gone, I feel nothing there. It’s as if the Gods have removed my hand” he said. I gave him a hand to help him up, but he refused and used his knees to get up. His hand still lay on the ground gripping his sword. He gulped and pulled the sword out of his hand, holding it in his other.
“Do you still wish to battle me, Enchor?” he shouted. I grabbed him by the shoulder, but he shoved me off.
“No, you are an honorable man. You have earned my respect and the respect of these men that are in my band of grave robbers.” he said. Ian looked at the men then over at Enchor who now had his hand out for a proper handshake.
“You can trust him brother, he means no more harm” I said. I walked over to Enchor and handed him the daggers back. “Here you keep this, may the Band of the Fire Eye keep you safe,” he said.
“Why do you rob peoples graves, is there honor in that?” Ian said. This was like him. When he wished not to speak of anything anymore he changed the subject.
“No, there is no honor, no honor at all, there is just shame, but we must do what is good for my family that is why my brothers and I rob graves, The Band of the Fire Eye has been doing it since the time my grandfather was a child.”
“Enchor, you’re men are trained for battles are they not?” I asked
“Yes, yes, why do you ask?” he said.
“You must be on your way, or…”
“No, say your will” Enchor said.
“Do you know of the Dark Fathers?” I said. As I said those words his mouth dropped. His eyes dropped, and he fell to the ground.
“Yes, I know them all too well villager. What have you to say about them?” Enchor said.
“My brother and I, we do not live in this town, we live down the road in Kiya, the trading village. There the Dark Fathers attacked us, killing a few of our villagers. At this point we have some protection from the Children of The Feather who has offered to train the villagers, but they say they will return…in a few days” I spoke nervously.
“What my coy brother is trying to say is that we may need your expertise in fighting, if you wish you can stay in this village, and defend it,” my brother said.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
the first 5 pages of the first chapter of my novel
Chapter 1. The Village of Kiya
“Men are at war with each other because each man is at war with himself.”
George S. Patton
They stood in the northeast watching our every move. We are a peaceful village, we do not expect violence. The Dark Fathers are one of the most powerful and most barbaric hordes ever to walk the green ground on the Kiya Hills, and they stand so motionless. What are they waiting for? What have our people done? We are but traders, miners, and blacksmiths here.
We have weapons but they are no use to us, we know not how to use them. One of the reasons they could be watching us is due to our visitor, she is a prized possession of ours. My nephew found her injured crawling on the floor of the forest, bleeding from the ankles. The village doctor, Arthurus, has offered her cures for the pains in her ankles but she cannot walk. She claims to be a Child of The Feather.
“Lavin she has awoken,” my brother said quickly grabbing me by the shoulder. I was in the process of binding some hay together for the tradesmen that would go out into the woods.
“How is the stranger feeling, does she speak our tongue?” I asked. He shook his head, as we walked towards Arthurus’ house. “Her wounds, they embrace her mind” my brother said, “What do you….?” Before I could say anything more he opened the door, the stranger laid still except for her head was making some jerking movements, and her eyes were now glazed and crystallized with ruby red stones.
“Protect the children, protect them well, they will feast upon their souls and tonight when the moon is up they will gather the graves, and steal the bodies” the stranger spoke in broken tongue.
“Stranger who are these men and why do you speak of our children?” I said.
“Gather the swords and they will come” she said.
“Strange please aide us, you speak in puzzles, we are a peaceful trading village, we know not the purpose of war,” I said.
“Then we shall learn” my brother said with great assertion in his voice.
“The others will come at dawn. Do not fear, Children of the Feather do not walk alone” she said.
“She needs rest, she cannot train any villagers” Arthurus said. At that moment there was a sound of a trumpet being heard and a blood curdling sound of a woman screaming. I looked outside the hut; they had come down from the mountains and had slaughtered those who were roaming the outside. They stood at least 6 ft tall in height and the horses they rode on were not ordinary horses but large winged horses.
One of them was carrying a woman’s head in his hands as if it were a gift to a King. The axes they carried were made of black onyx and they wore sliver masks across their face. One of them who I assumed to be the leader wore a hood over his head. Upon his hands were golden gloves incrusted with jewels. He had grabbed one of the men and ripped him into two pieces; his spinal cord lay out and the Dark Father lifted his hood a showed his ugly vulgar features. Upon his face were two large black widow spiders which served as his eyes. His teeth green as the pastures in the hills and hair grew from his nostrils and his ears. His skin was crusted and looked to be melted. He feasted upon the dead man like a dog at raw meat. The others began to form around him. I looked up at the sky. It was dawn. The other Children of the Feather should be returning for their sister.
“They have come for me” the stranger screamed.
“We know not how to defend our village. Please stranger, aide us. If you do not these people will die” I said.
I had given up hope until I realized that the horde of men was running away in fear from someone. It was a mere group of 6 men and women on horseback carrying weapons. “I think the stranger spoke the truth, the men are leaving Ian,” I said. I opened the door and a woman whose skin was black as midnight smiled a white smile at me. Her skin was soft and her eyes matched the blue of the early morning sky. She wore a white vest across her chest, and bore a long pointed sword.
“You have our sister” she said.
“Will they return?” I asked
“Yes, I am afraid so but not for a few days. When they return they will outnumber your village, our sister is…. she okay?”
“Yes yes, please come in” I said.
She got off her horse and made a motion to the others who stayed on the horses and did not speak with us. “My name is Ayna. I am the Receptor of the Feather. She told us you were here” she said bringing out her hand. She shook it and then walked past me and to her sister. My brother looked at me and I shrugged. “Your doctors can not cure this injury. Her puzzles, they are due to the Dark Father, they have infected her” Ayna said. She stroked her sister’s cheek with the back of her fist and held her hand and kissed it gently. She gazed at her with admiration. My brother Ian spoke out of turn during the moment of family silence. “Will you stay with your people and help defend our village?” he asked. Ayna turned around and pointed outside to the others who stood still on horseback.
“I cannot stay. I must protect the Crowaven, but they will. They will train whatever villagers you have. My sister, when she is healthy, she is a good fighter, she will know what to do”
“But they return in a few days, will she be better?” I said.
“Yes, I will heal her, it will take energy out of me so I shall stay here for a night before I return” Ayna said.
“Ayna my sister, they wanted to kill me ,The Dark Fathers. They blend in. Do you not see them? They have spies if you do not find him. They will kill me. They will kill them all. Protect the children; at night the graves will be robbed”
“She speaks of two different groups. The Dark Fathers do not rob graves, they only feed upon children and the dead” Ayna said. She looked at her sister and sat down at the bed beside her.
“You must leave the room now or you shall be embodied by the Crowaven” Ayna said.
So the doctor, my brother Ian and I left the home. The morning sun was rising and still the other Children of the Feather were not speaking or moving; as if they were frozen in time. It wasn’t but a few minutes when Ayna exited the house, barely able to move. “She is Aware now” was her final word before she fell to the floor. I grabbed her and walked into the room. The stranger now was up and had left the sheets open for me to place her there. “My sister has cured me, I shall introduce myself now” she spoke clearly.
“The spy, who is the spy?” my brother said bluntly.
“My name is Cly, this spy you speak of was it during my time in your doctor’s abode?” she said
“Yes, yes you mentioned a spy who will kill us. Have you not any brains woman?” my brother said with a sharp tongue.
“I know not of this spy you say I spoke of, but if I spoke it in my daze it must be true. We must find whoever it is” Cly said. She looked at me and smiled, I smiled back with a sheepish grin. “You have a kind face, what is your name?” Cly said. “My name is Lavin” I said. She nodded.
“Your brother is a hard man to follow, but he is this village’s leader?”
“Yes he is a brave man, he knows what to do most of the time” I said
“Back to business, bring me the weapons you have and all the men and women between the ages of 18-40, the children will stay with the elders. I will make my brothers and sisters awaken.
I did as I was told and I brought the weapons from their shelter along with my nephew and his cousins. “Uncle Lavin we are going to fight” Cleory said. My nephew Cleory had broad shoulders and was very tall. He was 18 years old and eager to fight. He, like his father, is feisty. There were but 20 villagers that I gathered around her. She now placed swords and bows in each of their hands. They looked at them in awe, they weren’t really sure they were ready to fight much less defend their village. My brother stood up on a bucket and prepared them to learn how to fight.
“Villagers of Kiya, do not stand by our peaceful actions any longer, you now are to defend our village from the Dark Fathers. We no longer just make the weapons here but we will use them. All who wish us to parish and to fade into oblivion, we won’t have it. If we defend ourselves and die at least we died with honor. In the next two days you shall be learning to fight, so when the Dark Father hordes return we can fight. I too will be learning these things. I know we are supposed to live by peace, but we can no longer think like that. What happened in the nights past was too much; a mother and sister were killed and beheaded. We shall not let that happened again. Cly and her siblings will help defend as well, but it is up to us. They may have the numbers but we have the courage and the passion. If we do not defend well, they will feed upon the young…” He paused for a moment and glanced at Cly who smiled and giggled. Ian stepped off the bucket and helped her up to it.
“This man who you call Ian is right; he has the soul and heart of a warrior, as do the rest of you. When they come they will take up every side of this village, East, West, North and South. Some may even make their way through the forest there. We must not make haste” she pointed at my nephews. “You three I shall teach you how to be archers” they nodded.
“Master Ayna shall we send scouts, the Dark Fathers will have searched other villages before attacking this one” one of the other Children of the Feather stated. He was a blonde man with small russet brown eyes, whose face was sullen; he wore a braided ponytail in the back and on his wrist were two golden bracelets.
“Ewryn take Ian and Lavin and scout out the villages to the east, they may have been attacked, and if they have take any that are alive and bring them here, they can help us defend this village” Ayna said.
Being the trading town that we were scouting was obviously not our best point. I as well as my brother knew that the next town to the east was the village of Wyy. “You two follow me closely do not lag whatever the circumstances, I will lead. If any danger should arise, do not let fear overtake you, they smell fear. Do you understand? ” We were not given any horses, as they would make sounds. So we had to travel by foot. The Village of Wyy was about a half hour on foot. Ewryn did not speak much of the way, he was hard, he seemed as though something were on his mind. My brother too was like him, quiet.
Friday, June 18, 2010
The Sterotype Empire
Monday, June 14, 2010

I don't have any stories or books to review so I think today i am just going to go on a long dragged out rant about how I feel about the four letter word. L O V E. Many people have problems trying to figure out what the hell it is. I am one of those people. However, as a romanticist love has never been estranged in my life. I really want to find it, catch it and place in a bottle on my self and keep it forever. Why am i ranting about love you may ask yourself. I am ranting because myself and a friend had a discussion about it the other day while sitting in a coffee shop. A personal philosophy of mine is that EVERY single person will find somebody that is their perfect match. That is their puzzle piece to complete the puzzle or their lid to the pot. He disagreed and that's alright we are all entitled to our own opinions. We came to a point in our discussion where my friend had mentioned that bums don't have this aspect in their life. I said that they had at one point in their life been loved by somebody. He said that at this point in time they don't have anybody that loves them. So I once again disagreed. As a whole the homeless community has people who care about them. Individual ones are loved by loved ones whom they might not speak with because they are embarrassed. So i thought about this conversation further and would like to say I think that love has different genres just as music or movies do. Love has sub-genres as well. I think I have run out of steam for now but perhaps there will be more rants on the horizon about random stuff.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
The Wounded Sparrow
suffering endlessly
I paced
back and forth
back and forth
trying to comfort my mind
"there is nothing they can do" they all said
"Animal control doesn't care"
but why?
is this sparrow insignificant?
An innocent bird injured
nobody does anything
Untill myself and a friend attempt to aid it
We cared to bring it to a spot where it may
be spotted by another
Will the sparrow surrive the cold night
I don't know
But it made me think
we are
at one time or another
Wounded Sparrows
who take comfort in love
and like that wounded sparrow
we breathe heavily
suffer endlessly
until somebody cares for us
and brings us to a spot
whwere me may fend for ourselves
wounded sparrows
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I am free
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Strange Confessions From a Strange Man
I was walking to the store to fetch my self some dinner when I came upon a man dressed in rags. His hands were dirty as was his face. He spoke in tongues of which I wasn’t familiar so I ignored him and continued on into the store. I bought my dinner and he was there again. I decided that I would strike up a conversation with him since I was bored and there was nothing else to do. “Hello sir” I said to him. He nodded his head. “Hello” As soon as he said that. I pulled out my knife and stabbed him in the shoulders twice. He fell to the floor and like a mad man I laughed as he dropped to the floor and his blood puddle on the white snow. He begged me not to do it again, but in fact I was so enthused in the blood from his shoulder that I stabbed him once again. This time I did in the chest. And yes by then he was dead. Father will our lord forgive me for this sin?
I fear Father that the murder of this man is not just an ordinary murder. After the murder things had changed and not just for me but for others. I have noticed some strange things happening since it was done. My clocks they run backwards. I barely am able to tell the date. My mind is fuzzy of how to tell the days of the week. Is there anything you and the church can do to cure my madness Father? I suppose I could just attempt to let the madness dissipate into the air. But I am scared Father, I am scared for my life.
This Father, I am afraid isn’t my only confessions. My strange murders didn’t stop. Yet another murder I must confess who has caused me even more madness. She was outside my place of work. She had thin gray hair. Her face was seemed to made of stone. For when she looked at me she never changed expression. I had a knife on me and by idle hands I too stabbed her in the shoulder and watched as she fell to floor. I laughed and laughed until the madness once again took over me and I stabbed her several times in the chest. Father, please tell me there is something God can do to cure my madness. I pray now, but can religion save me Father?
I find it strange that nobody has noticed the changes around this world since the murder of these two people. The world no longer spins on an axis, the wind no longer whispers. I can feel it Father O’Hara though you may not believe me completely. That watch youre wearing isn’t ticking MY GOD. I killed father time. WHAT HAVE I DONE!? And outside the trees are dying. Forests are falling apart. I too killed Mother Earth. Oh God what have I done. Dear oh dear. I…I am the work of the devils toyshop Father O’Hara. Kill me now. I do not deserve to live any longer Father O’Hara I know the evil I have done. But I can’t spend my life in prison that is no place for a man like me. So kill me now.
Father what is happening why are you making that face? Father? How can God explain the nothingness that is coming? I am scared. I’m sorry for my murders; please give me a place in heaven. There is nothing anymore; I killed it all, I’m sorry.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Another Part of my Prolouge
It is said that West Country was built by the very first settlers. Within those settlers was a man who would not constrain himself to religion He was the opitiminy of the freethinking atheist. However he knew that the Children of the Feather and the Darklings were real. He however did not follow either, he thought it to be a cheap attack on the people to get money. This man became Lord Raynor. Who at present is a powerful man in West Country. Within his constraints he has denied the people of West Country the freedom of religion. Legend has it that beneath the ground of a shop that sells potions is a religious union of those who wish to pray to Koros. It is led by none other then Luther Hemmel. These underground religious ceremonies did not last long when Lord Raynor found out about it and sent his guards in to destroy shrines.
Moments after the guards had arrived in the underground temple they took Luther Hemmel in and brought him to Lord Raynor. He was told that he was forgiven for preaching against West Country laws. But if he were to do it again he would be killed on sight.
It is said that it takes a terrible mishap to change a man. But when the Dark Fathers attacked West Country Lord Raynors change only became worse. He singled out people whom he thought partook in the attack. Many of the residents of West Country were sent to dungeons where they were tortured. Among the tortured was a woman named Melea Le Fevre who Lord Raynor claimed to be a mastermind of the Dark Fathers attack. He himself examined her and interviewed her. When he realized that his accusations were right, he listened to her plead. But during her plead he fell for what he vowed never to fall for. He joined the ranks of the Dark Father temple and married Melea who became his Lady.
During their reigning years the Darklings occupied their manor and their minds. He once again killed those who disagreed with him. Leaving only those who worshiped Korous either killed or driven out of town. The small Castle State soon became a colony for the Darklings to use. The king however did not do anything about it since Lord Raynor was his brother’s son.
This left people like Luther Hemmel to become a refugee and he went back to Oolon to tell the Children of the Feather what the Darklings had done. It was then that Luther was told to go to the king for a document called the War Scrolls, which allowed them to declare war on West Country.
And so it was that the Children of the Feather sent their best warriors to the gates of West Country. With Luther Hemmel at the front of the brigade they marched and rode their horses many miles. When they arrived they blew the War Horn. This alerted the guards and the Darklings who had been watching from the tower. Lord Raynor then walked out of his manor and was told to meet Luther Hemmel at the gates. Luther Hemmel then spoketh these words “You dare not suppress our people any longer, from this moment on we are at war with West Country” Lord Raynor read the scrolls signed by the king appalled by his descion. He then spoketh “I will not surrender my land Luther, for you are a horrible human being the Dark Fathers will prevail” and with that he drew his sword and the war began.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Part of my current Novel: Prolouge
Fathers of the Storm-The Lore
As narrated by Lord Bezzlemoth to his trusted scribe.
Fragments of the Earth were shatter by Koros, he was angry with men and thought they did not deserve to live any longer. It is said that the reason he was so angry was because he trusted mortals. Yet they betrayed him. One in particular named Horena, promised him her undying love, and promised to bore him a son to rise.
But when she gave birth to a daughter, he became furious and banned them to the woods to be eaten by wolves and bears. However Horena’s brother, Pieas did not take his sisters banishment lightly and started an army to destroy the God. He came upon the Gods temple with 1 thousand men at his mercy. But this was to no avail because the God destroyed the Army with fires and famine. So it became that he hit the Earth with his fist and itd shattered into many pieces. This killed the entire population of Earth. This was the Earth That Was. During this time there was black and there was silence.
Koro’s brother’s Kus found these pieces of the shattered Earth floating in the air of the Heavens and put them back together again, rebuilding the earth as it once was. But to join the many pieces together he used his spit, which created the Seas we know now. There was no more moon, sun or stars. The earth could not be complete without the moon, the sun and the stars.
Koro searched the Heavens for a way to bring the Earth back to it’s original state.
And so it was at this time, he created a group of individuals who would defend the Earth, and his honor. However he did not expect all the men and women he created to worship him he gave them free will.
Because the God of the Skies were not allowed to go down on Earth he had to create a creature for them to worship and in turn this creature would be his messager. Because he was a God of the sky, he created a creature named the Croraven. The Croraven has only been seen by a few selected people.
The Croraven walks on two human feet, he has skin the color of coal. His legs are long and slender, his waist is U shaped, that is to say it curves at the both ends and where his torso begins it’s as if a tower starts and there his neck is lanky and long. His head consists of two eyes as gray as the rain clouds. They are shaped like two half crescent moons. His nose and his mouth are a beak. At his back he has two very large wings which are dark in color but during the night change to a white color. He does speak with a very strange voice, however those who speak to him have gotten used to it. His voice sounds like two voices in one. One high pitched the other low toned.
The people that Kus created to worship him are called the Children of the Feather. They have a temple in which these people live in the far east corner of Oolon. The temple is made from white solid limestone. It is built upon a hill and has many hundreds of steps to get both to and from the temple. The steps become narrow as you make it further up the path. This was done purposely by the Mistry who is the high priest of the Children, it is to teach the climbers to have balance in their life.
Outside of the temple the white limestone is covered with vines, they wrap themselves heading east. There are two very large trees whose tip touch the heavens above are on either side of the Temple. If one were to go to the right they would find a stairwell leading down into the wine seller of the Temple. Here they would find a door made from wood and a simple handle made from metal. Once opened the aroma of sweet wine can be smelt. Members of the Children, place the wine in bottles and place in a crate to have it sent to villages for selling. If one were to go to the left, they would find themselves entering many layers of Corbel Arches leading to the Hemmel gardens. These garden commentate the oldest and most beloved Child of the Feather. His name is Luther Hemmel. In the garden the Garden Fairies are hired to tend to the Hemmel gardens. Here they feed the plants and flowers and make sure that the garden is kept up to perfect standards according to Croraven. Of course they are not part of the Children themselves but have promised to keep anything they hear secret. At the very end of the garden is the a statue of Luther Hemmel.
In the Temple of Croraven itself, the halls are narrow built from a white brick in lined with gold and silver. At the south corner of the temple is the Giving Room. The door is made from emerald crystals and opens from top to bottom. This room is where the general public if they are so inclined give donations to the Temple of Croraven. On the other side of this room is where only the Misry are allowed to enter. The door is ruby and opens from left to right. Once inside the room the Children are enticed by the only created statue of the Croraven. They are encouraged to pray for everything green to grow and everything sick to get better. In all, the temple has 10 rooms some open to the public; others open only to the Children of Feather.
Because Koros’s brother had built an entire temple to himself and to his created being. Koros too built a temple and created a being who he called The Dark Father. Since the Children of the Feather were sworn to protect the Earth. He created a people to destroy His temple lies on in the swamps of the far west corner of Oolon. A thick fog wraps it self around the temple. Only those brave enough to enter the marshes are able to see the large Dark Temple. The temple is made from crushed onyx stones that are blessed by Koros himself. In order to make your way to the temple entrance one must make their way up the crystal stairway. At the top of the stairwell is a man whom the darklings refer to as The Orator of Pain. He is a silent figure speaks only when spoken to by Koros. His eyes glow a deep red when he is speaking. When he is silent his dark hood is black like the nights sky. He never moves from the top of the stairs. It is said that a large alligator roams the water around the temple and every day one of the Darklings feeds the alligator human flesh to keep him happy.
On the day Koros created the Darklings he created a book for the to follow called The Book of Koros. In the book there are rules and tribulations that members of the Dark Temple must oblige to. Like Luther Hemmel the Dark Temple has a man whom they take their orders from his name is Percy Fairgon and he lives with in the deepest and darkest part of the temple. Unlike Hemmel, the Darklings have no need to build a statue in his honor for he is still alive.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Review of Music of Razors by Cameron Rodgers
Firstly, I would like to say I am going to give a fair review of this book. The best part of this book is Rodgers descriptions he is able to turn a phrase and write fairly well. But it is his story that is boring and dragged out. When I was reading this book I had to go back a few times just to figure out what he was trying to tell a story about. The characters are boring I didn’t care wither they lived or died. I really didn’t care about the characters at all. Usually in a review I would tell you a synopsis of the story but honestly I couldn’t tell you what the entire story was about because it was very forgettable. To be fair there were some chapters that kept my attention but most of the chapters in this 310-page book are dragged out and should have been cut.
I think perhaps this author needs to try again. This book was so boring and drat that I had to read it five pages at a time. I couldn’t suffer much longer than that. Now at the top of this book is a quote by Neil Gaiman that is as follows “A nightmarishly imaginative debut from a writer of real assurance and vision…Cameron Rodger is going to go places” perhaps my favorite author has different taste than I…..the only thing nightmarish about this book is the story. I am surprised I even finished it. Now I do realize that I said mostly bad things about this author. But I honestly believe he does have potential to be a good author, this just wasn’t his time to shine. Maybe collaboration with Neil Gaiman could work for him? Neil Gaiman could be his mentor and guide him to what a good author should be like.
I give this book a 3/10
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The Tonight Show Dealio
Monday, January 11, 2010
you know what burns my ass?
But will soon see a review for this BORING book i am reading called Music of Razors. It is taking FOREVER.
Friday, January 8, 2010
But anyhow...what i wanted to blog about today is jobs. Why the fuck is it so fucking hard to find a job where i am. I apply at 10 different fucking places and none of them call me back and when i call them back, they say "try again tomorrow" fuck that. What do i have to do to get a job? I thought that perhaps my job experience isn't that great that is the reason why they didn't call me or maybe its cuz my last name is close to the bottom of the alphabetical list. I don't know. I guess in this economy jobs are always hard to find.
alright tahts it good bye for now