Okay so i am sure most of you readers have heard about this thing with Jay Leno coming back to his spot and NBC dickwads kicking Conan O' Brien on his ass basically. So this is my opinion, Conan O' Brien is one of the funniest men alive and the fact that he is being put out because of a dumb ass like Jay Leno really really pisses me off. But what really gets me is the fact that Jay fucking Leno WANTED to retire and then came back they sent Conan and his family to LA for 7 months of nothing. WTF. Fuck those NBC executives They should have said FUCK YOU LENO and let Conan O'Brien take more than a 7 month glory. I think Conan O'Brien could have done wonders for the Tonight show. Well i hope that Jay Leno fails, and goes back to his cars.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
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