Monday, December 21, 2009


Forgive me nerdheads for i am rambling....I can not write, I can not write I can not write, why can’t I write. This is very very fruststrayting that I can not write. Perhaps I should just let something flow out of me like it is at this moment. But this is just shit, nothing of importance, I won’t save this maybe I will. This is neither poem nor story its just a rambling, grammar is of little importance. Why can’t I write any of the three stories that have been stuck in my head for weeks. I should be able to get something down, I am a writer, or I’d like to think that I am. I love writing; it is my passion and my soul. Perhaps because I haven’t written down anything in so long my brain has turned on me. I need to write I can feel the withdrawals are getting worse and worse and worse. I am reading a book, but this isn’t helping me with this frustration. God damn what the hell am I going to do. They say this cures writer’s block just typing or writing. But nothing is coming to my head. HAVE I LOST MY FUCKING CREATIVITY. God I hope not. Some people give up writing but I can’t I will not…I will only give it up in death. Does anybody have suggestions on how to get over this painful writers block>

1 comment :

  1. I've had that problem many, many times. The best suggestion I can give you is to just start typing free association things. It's the only way to blast through all the self-editing that keeps the words from coming out.
    Do like Kerouac did with On The Road-literally just clear an entire day to pound out a story and just TYPE. You may have to trim a lot to get your story where you want it, but at least the bare bones will be out of your head and onto paper.
