Saturday, November 28, 2009

Zen in the Art of Writing Review

I have finally finished this wasn't that long but havn't had much time to read.....without further or due.... lets get to the reviewing

What brought me to this book was the name Ray Bradbury, he is one of the best writers out there today. Now this book is totally non-fiction and is meant as a giant lecture to you about how you should stick to writing and all that good stuff. Let me tell you that his writing in non-fiction is as good as his fiction. He had some great real life stories that he brough into the picture of how he got started writing. He told us of his adventures in Ireland and his Theater of Ideas. I would recommend this book for both writers and non writers. He gives some great insight, for anybody who isn't busy i am sure you can read it in one day. Overall i give this book a 9/10.

Thanks for reading my second review.


  1. thank you, shane, maybe i'll pick it up :)

  2. I like sharing stuff. So I'm gonna give you some stuff. That's been had by others, but I scan for viruses daily, so you're safe. and and Enjoy :)
